#052 D'Geft

D'geft are stone elementals that pass freely through mountains and stone, living solitary lives. Catching a d'geft binds his will to yours, enabling the binding one to control that d'geft's powers as if they were your own. When d'geft die, their souls weigh heavily on shifting tectonic plates that cause earthquakes and century-long ruptures that ultimately form a new mountain over time, which serves as an incubator for a new d'geft to eventually form within.

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Release Date February 17, 2022
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PUBLISHED May 15, 2023

A Dance as Old as Stone by Anonymous user #144

Beneath the craggy, frost-kissed peaks, where mountain airs do blow, The d'geft dwell, a solitude, in realms of stone and snow. Not as we, their lives they lead, in hollow halls of stone, Passing through the mountain's heart, existing ...

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