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#091 Mouma

Mouma often live among jellyfish herds, but are more closely related to goldfish. Their bright, red coloring is a deterrent to most aquatic predators, although they're squishy and delicious. Mouma are a common pet for schoolchildren because of the expressive, silly faces they make. They typically live for about one year. Their favorite food is lettuce.

#200 Norpin

Norpins are small, fluffy creatures that resemble a cross between a squirrel and a mouse. They have short, spindly legs and a long, windy tail, and their bodies are covered in soft, brown fur. This little creature is notable in nature for having no bones in its legs and very few bones in its body; rather than relying on a skeletal system for bodily structure, norpins have very strong muscles that hold their shape and enable an extremely wid range of movement. Norpins are also very intelligent and have excellent memories; they also have a good sense of smell and can hear very low-frequency sounds, including many of those emitted from the earth during natural geological events. Norpins are generally peaceful creatures but are known to become very violent when threatened. They live in large nests with others and spend most of their time foraging for food.

#175 Nemmen

Nemmen are small, purple fish that frequent reefy areas and the deep sea, but are also commonly caught to resell as consumer pets. They are soft to the touch and like to be pet by their owners, unlike most other fish. When nemmen are happy, they blow small bubbles that they play with, often swimming circles around each bubble. Most nemmen live two or three years.

#253 Mawtok

Mawtokes are highly territorial creatures that lurk in the oceans of the world. They are only visible when they are swimming in sunlight and can remain motionless underwater for days at a time. If they decide to attack, they will rise out of the water and dig their powerful tentacles into the ground to move, and they will drag themselves and their prey back into the ocean, even if the mawtok is several miles from the shore. Mawtokes can store a large amount of water inside a specialized sac in their abdomen that lets them breathe for up to six hours while on land.

#265 Trogurp

Trogurps are small, brightly-colored insects that are typically found in the forests of the world. They eat leaves and other plant matter and are covered in a thick chitinous shell. Male trogurps can be aggressive towards one another and will duel for the right to mate with a female. These duels are often deadly and can take place for hours, with the victor often being a trogurp that has lost most of its legs or wings. After finding a mate, the wounded trogurp will hitch a ride on its new mate until its limbs have grown back.

#291 Vorivo'r

The vorivo'r is a small alpine creature that lives in the snowy mountains. It is covered in burred fur, with a small round body and a large head. It is about the size of a human hand, and feeds on small insects and worms. Vorivo'rs run with a distinctive, scuttling gait that is easy to mistake for a spider. During warmer winters, vorivo'rs will burrow deep underground to hibernate. While hibernating, they snore so loudly the ground may rumble at times.

#342 Jungle Wraith

The jungle wraith is a rare and elusive creature that is rarely seen by humans. It has a slender and ghostly appearance, with translucent white skin that glows softly in the dim light of the jungle. It has long, graceful limbs, and sharp claws that allow it to climb trees and navigate the dense jungle underbrush. The jungle wraith is a solitary creature, preferring to hunt and forage on its own. It is a skilled predator, stalking its prey and pouncing with lightning-fast reflexes. It is also incredibly stealthy, able to move silently through the jungle and avoid detection by other animals. Despite its ghostly appearance, the jungle wraith has a few unique traits that set it apart from other creatures. It has the ability to turn invisible, allowing it to evade predators or sneak up on its prey. It also has a highly developed sense of hearing, which it uses to locate its prey even in the densest jungle. A fun fact about the jungle wraith is that it is rumored to be the spirit of a great warrior, cursed to roam the jungle for eternity. Many have tried to lay the wraith's spirit to rest, but none have succeeded. The jungle wraith remains a mysterious and elusive creature, shrouded in legend and mystery.

#296 Jaxilith

Jaxilives are large shapeshifters that appear as a swarm of blue flies when dormant. When a jaxilith is threatened, it will transform into a larger worm-like creature. This njaxilith form is covered in sharp red scales and flies with a small set of translucent wings that emit a small amount of blue light. Jaxilith temperament is short and aggressive, quickly swarming and overwhelming any potential threats to their home. Nowadays, the remaining jaxilives are said to live in underground caverns, where they indiscriminately prey on anything that isn't blue. Experimental testing of a severed jaxilith lens revealed that blue is actually the one color this small shapeshifter can't physically see. Some cultures have historically dissolved ground Kjaxilith scales into teas as a precursory version of antidepressants. Although the jaxilith presents itself as a swarm of flies while dormant, it's still only a single decentralized organism — and just as lonely.

#294 Qing'chi

Legends of the old qing'chi depict them as peaceful, fast, and incredibly intelligent. Although they were physically disproportioned by most standards, it's widely believed that their large head was the precursor to developing multiple interspecies languages and a strategic awareness of their surroundings that made them untouchable to all but the most potent predators. While qing'chi are capable of running faster than the wind, they prefer to use their wits and predict predator movement ahead of time, so they never find themselves needing to run in the first place. The qing'chi weren't recorded as an endangered species before they all suddenly disappeared. Zoologists today theorize they may have migrated to lands yet unseen by man's eye.

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