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#101 Dhagarem

Dhagarems are a common species of invisible beast that can be found across the world, but most commonly in unsettled areas. They are mostly nocturnal, but their shadows can sometimes be seen in the day if they wake up hungry. It is unclear what dhagarems actually eat.

#089 Vieflhuse

Vieflhusen are skymantas that frequently dip below the clouds in search of food, fun, and friends. Although their eyesight is terrible, they are able to use an altered form of echolocation to sense a three-dimensional representation of the area and its inhabitants beneath them. Each Vieflhuse is able to reproduce asexually and typically carries litters of 4-8 small vieflhusen on their back after giving birth.

#147 Herling

The herling is a small bird about the size of a housecat. They are mostly harmless, but are often pests because of their tendency to steal and hoard shiny objects. A herling will take any object that catches their eye, including jewelry, coins, pencils, pens, forks, spoons, knives, scissors, and anything else they can carry. They usually hide these objects in the hollows of trees or other dark recesses of their environment. They are also known for the bright red feathers that emit a slight luminescent glow in low light.

#052 D'Geft

D'geft are stone elementals that pass freely through mountains and stone, living solitary lives. Catching a d'geft binds his will to yours, enabling the binding one to control that d'geft's powers as if they were your own. When d'geft die, their souls weigh heavily on shifting tectonic plates that cause earthquakes and century-long ruptures that ultimately form a new mountain over time, which serves as an incubator for a new d'geft to eventually form within.

#221 Gormilgrimimrsa

Gormilgrimimrsa are tall, green, and lean creatures that live in the forest. They are extremely agile and can run for half a day on pure adrenaline, but can be very sensitive. To hunt, they use their keen sense of hearing to find prey, then use a mix of sticks and grass to craft weapons. Gormilgrimimrsa are very lonely creatures and will emotionally attach themselves to whoever is paying attention to them, often to their detriment.

#301 Saski

The saski is a species of airborn sanni that often can often be found following cumulonimbus clouds, though their migratory patterns have them almost everywhere on the planet at least once a year. Saski have an average length of two hundred feet and an average weight of three thousand pounds. Saskis are known for their ability to squirt ink from their bodies which causes an immediate onset of intense psychosis in most creatures, which is used both as a defense mechanism and when hunting prey.

#310 Buuzkut

Buuzkuts are a species of small animal that looks a lot like a beetle, but are actually part of the Lepidoptera order. They have large eyes, a chitinous shell, and an intermuscular antenna. Buuzkuts love to eat fizzy drinks and will often hoard cans of it in their underground nests. They rarely come out during the daytime, preferring to stay in their nests and slowly slurp up a steady stream of fizzy soda. The average buuzkut lives for about six months.

#285 Vcunkrx

The behemoth vcunkrx are the center of the desert ecosystem, or at least the top of it. Vcunkrx are extremely resilient to both internal and external threats and can survive for years without water or food, instead drawing their energy from the ambient heat of the desert and the kinetic energy of compacted sand. Unlike most other organisms, vcunkrx aren't a carbon-based life-form; rather, their underlying genetic composition consists of a material similar to ceramics, which is believed to have resulted in their solid, hard bodies. Vcunkrx horns are worth a fortune to poachers, but are almost impossible to acquire.

#309 Vargon

Vargons are enormous, thick-skinned reptiles that form the natural apex predator in the kingdom of Skulnir. They are visibly descended from several different creatures and have four clawed feet and feathery wings, which are hidden beneath their thick, leathery skin. They have a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth and a long, whip-like tail that they use to hunt prey and defend themselves. Vargons are incredibly tough and muscular and will kill anything in their path; however, they are also very clever and will usually avoid confronting creatures larger than themselves, unless they are extremely hungry or highly provoked.

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