#359 Nadraghb

The nadraghb are extradimensional beings that physically resemble earthly raccoons in appearance, but that's where their similarities to any creatures on this planet end. Nadraghb seem to freely manipulate spacetime, allowing them to move at superluminal speeds, fly, or phase through matter on another plane.

Nadraghb have a complex social structure, valuing community, cooperation, and self-improvement. They have a strong sense of family, often living in large groups with close-knit bonds. Their society is ruled by a council of elders, chosen for their omniscience and experience, who assign quests to those in lower castes and mentor the young.

Although nadraghb seem incapable of speaking or understanding human languages, they do seem to have a sense of humor; when visiting our world, they often fashion clothes to look like ninjas, bandits, or cowboys.

These creatures are capable of using literally any object as a weapon and will always fight their way out of any sticky situation. Despite their advanced abilities, however, the nadraghb are largely peaceful creatures, often preferring to spend their time studying the quantum plane or watching cartoons.

Release Date December 21, 2022
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