#353 Frosthorn

Frosthorns are majestic creatures with white, shaggy fur and long, spiraling horns. They have sharp, pointed ears and a thick, curved tail that they use for balance and defense. Their eyes are a piercing blue, and they have large, powerful paws that are well-adapted for moving through snow and ice.

Frosthorns are native to cold, snowy environments, such as the tundra and high mountain ranges. They are well-suited to these environments, with thick fur coats that keep them warm and feet that are adapted for walking on snow and ice.

Frosthorns are herbivores, and feed on a variety of plants that grow in their cold, snowy habitats. They are also skilled hunters, and will occasionally prey on smaller animals, such as rabbits and hares.

Frosthorns are known for their powerful and melodic calls, which can carry for miles across the snowy landscape. They use these calls to communicate with each other, and to defend their territory from other Frosthorns.

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Release Date December 15, 2022
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