
136 degrees and snowing

Biome Modifiers

Electrical storms

Frequent electrical storms in this biome will destroy any electronics within it.


Hurricanes are common in this biome.

Acid rain

This biome is prone to frequent acid rain.

Creatures found in the Tteref Coast


#309 Vargon

Vargons are enormous, thick-skinned reptiles that form the natural apex predator in the kingdom of Skulnir. They are visibly descended from several different creatures and have four clawed feet and feathery wings, which are hidden beneath their thick, leathery skin. They have ...

#309 Vargon


#216 Zelorgbia

Zelorgbian creatures are relatively simple jellyfish-related invertibrates that live on the edges of the ocean. Zelorgbians come on shore to bask in the sunlight and to lay their eggs. However, they can't move on land and risk dehydration if they're beached, so they choose to ...

#216 Zelorgbia


#016 Xylach

Xylaches are sprawling reptilian creatures that tend to migrate toward popular human beaches to feed off the trash and food left behind. Although one xylach could easily match twenty or more people in power, they largely remain docile and, at most, loudly grunt towards beach-g...

#016 Xylach


#226 Muludar

The muludar is a species of crab that can be found in many areas of the ocean. They have an average length of six to nine inches and an average weight of eighty pounds. Muludars are typically bright red in color and have large pincers that can be used to crush coral or grab fo...

#226 Muludar


#276 Vuvegge

Vuvegges are small insects common to forests and jungles that don't develop a sense of sight until a late stage of life. During their early "formative" years, vuvegges use their large eyeballs as sacs to store additional food or resources. Vuvegge packs are instantly recogn...

#276 Vuvegge


#105 Girflet

Girflets are creatures typically found in the damp undergrowth at the base of forest cliffs. When disturbed, they will race away at high speed, firing off seedpods into the air. On the ground, these seedpods bury themselves into loose dirt and sprout into a full-grown tree, ma...

#105 Girflet