#364 Broque

Broque are small, bipedal amphibians best known for their sad demeanor, deep blue skin, and their ability to camouflage into their surroundings when standing perfectly still. They are often found in moist, forested areas and are known to be shy creatures, avoiding human contact whenever possible. They are primarily nocturnal, spending the majority of their days sleeping in burrows or hiding in bushes.

Broques are known for their highly developed vocalizations, using a variety of clicks, chirps, and whistles to communicate with one another. They have a strong sense of community, living in small groups and working together to find food and defend their territory.

In terms of reproduction, broques are known for their elaborate courtship rituals, which involve singing, dancing, and exchanging gifts of food. They typically give birth to small clutches of eggs, which they fiercely protect until they hatch into tadpoles. The young are then cared for by the entire group, with all members taking turns hunting and gathering food for the growing broques.

Release Date December 26, 2022
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