#078 Etorg

Etorgs are the living skeletal remains of eternal giants. Although most have grown bored of life and live solitary lives atop mountains or in colossal underground caves, younger etorgs will sometimes adopt a city, curl up around it, and patiently watch generations of lives unfold. Etorgs also love sandwiches, which they occasionally make by uprooting entire forests to squish between two slabs of planetary crust.

Release Date March 15, 2022
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by NovelGens

by Andrew
♥ 3

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PUBLISHED March 19, 2022

the giant on the hill by MJ

It's no secret that the tundra of Sapphira is riddled with the supernatural and mysterious. Snickering and teleporting snow sprites disappear with a cackle and cloud of glitter, playing tag with their friends. Wailing ice banshees pound ...

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