#377 Ferquill Lumiskimmer

Emerging from the ethereal mists of ancient enchanted lakes and mystical wetlands, the Ferquill Lumiskimmer is a creature of legends. With a body reminiscent of a ferret intertwined with the celestial wisps of a quill, this magical being has the power to dance effortlessly atop water, leaving behind a trail of shimmering stardust. Its feet, imbued with ancient spells, touch the water's surface, invoking ripples that sparkle like a thousand tiny stars. As twilight descends, the Lumiskimmer's silhouette, glowing softly, becomes a beacon of magic in the dimming world. To witness a Ferquill Lumiskimmer is to be touched by a fragment of the universe's oldest enchantments.

Release Date October 25, 2023
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