#263 Vindsmen

After the devastating CK-295 meteor impact, what little life survived on planet P-192-856B had to radically evolve in order to survive the planet's new radioactive atmosphere. Vindsmen were once a variant of the common earth ape whose DNA began to diverge shortly after being seeded onto the planet; however, the few changes that occurred prior to CK-295 were dwarfed by its impact. Vindsmen have largely migrated from forests and jungles to caves deep underground, where they eat mushrooms, small plants, and insects. Most notably, vindsmen have evolved an amorphous muscular system that allows them not only to reshape their body at will, but also to combine with other vindsmen into a singular entity. Although rare, some sightings have reported gigantic vindsmen clusters of hundreds of connected apes. Vindsmen have a short lifespan due to an extremely high frequency of cancer.

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Release Date September 16, 2022
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by Andrew
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