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#319 Drontinc

Drontincs are tiny dragons which primarily communicate through telekinesis. They often get caught up in the winds and blown across the wo...


#278 Arang'raco

The arang'raco is a large lizard native to the deepest jungles. They are known for their vibrant and colorful scales and the immense shar...


#268 Drullar

Drullars are small, terrestrial dragons with a skin made of transparent crystals. Drullars can range in color from a soft white to orange...


#151 Zamperk

Zamperk are large, powerful creatures related to ancient dragons, but classified as a modern hydra. They are covered in thick dragon scal...


#132 Aeldatyr

Aeldatyr scales are golden and shiny, and imbued with powerful magic that allows them to create lightning. They grow to be very large, ro...


#113 Vune Ballow

Small vune ballow dragons are commonly found throughout the world. They are covered in beautifully prismatic scales and are able to fly s...


#094 Dryph

Dryphs are a rare and elusive type of creature. They are said to be born from the clouds, and are occasionally seen floating above them. ...


#051 Akaru

Akaru are a small, domesticated breed of dragons originally popularized by farmers in the east. Fully grown, most akarun won't even reach...


#028 Ala Dimio

Ala dimios (commonly also referred to as just "alas") are descendents of ancient, magical dragons. While they lack the magical prowess of...

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