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#321 Sathera

Sathera are peaceful, ethereal creatures that feed on the energy of lightning storms. They are mostly invisible in most light spectrums, ...


#163 Elfog

Elfogs largely go unnoticed, as they are composed of aether and are only visible with special goggles. They are particularly fond of flow...


#158 Taia

The taia is an ancient creature that has a history on this world that started long before humans. The taia appears visually as a hovering...


#142 Nethele

Netheles are physical-realm ghosts that are cursed to haunt cities and forests. They are not necessarily evil but are tricksy, always try...


#121 Etorgidur

Etorgidurs are some of the largest creatures in the world, reaching heights of up to 100,000 feet. They are very closely related to the f...


#058 Forrest

Forrests are ghostly entities that inhabit jungles and forests. They are largely transclucent and intangible, typically only able to affe...


#046 Camp Spirit

Camp spirits only appear in cases where a human body has been burned alive and left alone. It's unclear how they form, but scientists hav...


#036 Darunian

Darunians were cursed by the elder gods to live forever in an observer plane, unable to be seen by or communicate with anything else on t...


#009 Rappariffian

Rappariffians have never had a confirmed sighting, but cultures throughout history have always told stories of some form of them, albeit ...

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