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Showing all released rare creatures.


#207 Skeighnog

Skeighnogs are vicious and bloodthirsty creatures from the vast forests of the world. They are small, roughly the size of a small dog but...


#225 Astorvega

An astorvega is a slow, lumbering creature covered in a thick, brown fur. It is roughly the same size as a bear and has large, powerful c...


#120 Cuuyn

A cuuyn is a strange, slow-moving creature that can only survive in areas where the air contains a certain, top-secret compound. A cuuyn'...


#285 Vcunkrx

The behemoth vcunkrx are the center of the desert ecosystem, or at least the top of it. Vcunkrx are extremely resilient to both internal ...


#311 Quammoth

The quammoth (a portmanteau of "aqua" and "mammoth" popularized by the eastern Squib coasters) is an aquatic mammoth-like mammal that cal...


#257 Volagena

Volagenas are a species of squid-like creatures that are also extremely large. They are carnivorous and exist as top-level predators in t...


#086 Jhinx

The noble jhinx is an ancient race of sphinx that escaped global disaster and found a new home among the deep jungles in the world, where...


#209 Beleymer

Beleymers are enormous, leopard-like creatures that live in the swamps and marshes in the north. When they are not hunting and eating, th...


#233 Pewarra

On the plains near the city, you can find the wingless pewarras that live in large herds, best known for their concave skeleton and recog...


#367 Skalve

The skalve is a creature shrouded in legend and mystery, revered by many as a deity in the desert yet hated by others less favored. Its p...


#108 Nulstiver

Nulstivers are large, werecreatures that are native to ancient tundra wastelands. They are generally quite docile and tend to move extrem...


#329 Alsjepsel

The alsjepsel is a large reptile-mammal hybrid that frequents acidic swamps in the southern hemisphere. The alsjepsel were first discover...


#012 Val'anur

The val'anur is a monstrous beast of the tundra. What it lacks in speed it makes up for in determination and force. Val'anurs never sleep...


#186 Jaunwix

The rare jaunwix is a hypermaterial metafeline whose origins are unknown. This creature's body flows like water, babbling through brooks ...


#039 Gundir

Gundirs are feared beasts of the furthest reachest north. They move quickly and quietly, using the pelts of their prey both to stay warm ...


#105 Girflet

Girflets are creatures typically found in the damp undergrowth at the base of forest cliffs. When disturbed, they will race away at high ...


#097 Whalewalker

These hulking creatures once dominated the long-lost oceans. As the heat wave intensified and oceans began to evaporate, the first whalew...


#099 Sneacock

Once upon a time, a snake and a peacock found a way to produce an offspring. That offspring's intimidating colors and wholly evil nature ...


#294 Qing'chi

Legends of the old qing'chi depict them as peaceful, fast, and incredibly intelligent. Although they were physically disproportioned by m...


#181 Gigganda

Gigganda are large, mountain-dwelling mammals covered in scales and thick patches of fur, which protect them from both freezing winters a...