Glimmerwisps are small, fairy-like creatures with translucent, glowing wings. They have delicate, elongated features and shimmer in a var...
Miliorkers are small, flying creatures that live in extremely large groups and reproduce quickly. They are very social and will often sha...
Blithodurcs are strange creatures also known as the "silent ones." They have no mouths and instead subsist on a diet of ambient radiation...
Buuzkuts are a species of small animal that looks a lot like a beetle, but are actually part of the Lepidoptera order. They have large ey...
Fenngmoths are enormous moths with a wingspan of nearly 250 meters. They are strong enough to carry several tons at a time in their claws...
Jaxilives are large shapeshifters that appear as a swarm of blue flies when dormant. When a jaxilith is threatened, it will transform int...
A korod is a large, pale yellow bug with two large eyes and two long antennae. It has a single long leg on the underside of its body and ...
Vuvegges are small insects common to forests and jungles that don't develop a sense of sight until a late stage of life. During their ear...
Foyud are small insects that look like perched butterflies. However, foyuds are actually more closely related to arachnids that wear "win...
The groxus is the largest known insect in the world. They can grow to be 300 feet long and weigh up to 60 tons. Groxuses are nocturnal, f...
Trogurps are small, brightly-colored insects that are typically found in the forests of the world. They eat leaves and other plant matter...
Vibulants are massive insects. A single vibulant can be up to 10 feet long and weigh up to half a ton. They can be found in many differen...
Gghun'vur are small insects with 13 legs that live in the coldest frozen tundras in the world. Their internal body temperature is very cl...
Boolics are placid snail-like creatures that spend most of their days crawling in circles through the grass, slowly grazing and depositin...
Vifborts are a species of large, seemingly-immortal worms that live deep underground. Their skin is extremely sensitive and can feel vibr...
The rhaizel is a quadrupedal creature with a long, spindly body. It has two sets of arms, one of which is normal in size and the other of...
Antwij are a race of small angomites that originate from the southern deserts, but have long since migrated to a wider array of biomes af...
The bargrim is a small, nocturnal creature which is native to the forests of the world. It may look like an ordinary butterfly when it is...
Worgants are a species of small were-ants that live in packs in the northern forests. They have a symbiotic relationship with the betzkra...
Agriots are long, thin beetles with bright orange wings. They are primarily nocturnal, and spend their days sleeping in the hot desert sa...
Ganturps are a species of relatively large insect found in forests throughout the world. They are brightly-colored and use their wings to...
Larrohs are flying insects that can be found in the high mountains of the world, scaling the peaks and drinking from glacial lakes. They ...
Klelags are peaceful creatures of the southern tropical islands. They live in groups of around ten and create elaborate, beautiful nests ...
Toomels are small worm-like creatures that live just below the surface of the earth. They enjoy tunneling through the ground but prefer t...
Forsydifs are a variant of ant that has evolved to live on the backs of humanoids, from whom they eat dead skin cells. They spend most of...
The ekkast is a vicious creature that moves on eight legs but can slither through loose ground like a snake, and often feasts on large ma...
Emollo are a race of intelligent grub-like creatures that evolved arms and legs while living in gigantic, underground cities. They stand ...
Orochs are more closely related to an octopus or squid than any known spider species, yet are commonly mistaken for spiders. Luckily, the...
Fully-grown starbugs make up the majority of visible lights in the night sky with their planet-sized bodies, but baby starbugs hatch and ...
The dust angel is a common critter in arable desert areas. Nutrients from their saliva propagates through plants into the soil, improving...
Zoupir are small, insect-like pigs that travel underground, in packs. They feed primarily off dirt and roots, sucking nutrients from crop...
Dune beetles are the speedsters of the desert. You wouldn't expect it given their colossal size, but these severely-overgrown bugs can re...
This highly-intelligent bug establishes and oversees mutli-special insect colonies using a pheromone that encourages teamwork. Large sale...
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