Sad creatures

Showing creatures voted sad by users.


#036 Darunian

Darunians were cursed by the elder gods to live forever in an observer plane, unable to be seen by or communicate with anything else on t...


#358 Mollang

Mollang are small marsupials often found throughout wetlands and jungles. They live long lives despite the poisonous fungus that commonly...


#054 Uulu'd

Uuludes exist in the dimensional plane that we only ever experience through nightmares, and therefore they live in a constant state of ch...


#059 Croixstel

Croixstel are large bull-like creatures that produce an incredibly-thick coat of fur, which simultaneously makes most croixstel completel...


#221 Gormilgrimimrsa

Gormilgrimimrsa are tall, green, and lean creatures that live in the forest. They are extremely agile and can run for half a day on pure ...


#198 Hoomer

Hoomers are the descendants of a group of people who took part in an experiment involving transtemporal teleportation. This experiment re...


#148 Dacagoth

Dacagoths are small, fluffy mushroom-like creatures that live in grottos and caves. They are about the size of a human thumb and are typi...


#153 Oskurgi

Oskurgis are frog-like creatures that make their homes in the nutrient-rich mud piles found in the swampy forests of the world. Since the...


#046 Camp Spirit

Camp spirits only appear in cases where a human body has been burned alive and left alone. It's unclear how they form, but scientists hav...


#043 Volcrano

Every volcano has at least one volcrano maintaining it. They do their best to keep out of sight but volcranos are bulky and slow. Volcano...


#073 Pinbin Snake

Pinbin snakes are totally harmless, almost-friendly creatures. They eat grass, lick rocks for fun, and rarely grow more than a foot long....


#042 Heggeh

After spending a millennium with the other few, remaining heggehs trapped in a cavern, new generations of heggeh have completely lost the...


#129 Axytun

Axytuns are a small species of landfish native to the rolling fields of the east. Although axytuns are naturally pitch black, albinism is...


#016 Xylach

Xylaches are sprawling reptilian creatures that tend to migrate toward popular human beaches to feed off the trash and food left behind. ...


#021 Red Vasamee

The Red Vasamee is a rodent-like creature that is notable for evolving over time to be strictly vegetarian after a meat-bourne illness ne...


#294 Qing'chi

Legends of the old qing'chi depict them as peaceful, fast, and incredibly intelligent. Although they were physically disproportioned by m...


#324 Wogflorp

The wogflorp is a large, somewhat docile creature that is often mistaken for a drifflefert. It likes to wander around the edge of shallow...


#255 Squirmpod

Squirmpods are large, plant-like life forms often found in or around the greater rainforest regions. They are about the size of a small h...


#260 Bulthoid

Bulthoids are rare creatures that live in almost every environment. Despite their strange appearance, bulthoids are actually a very intel...


#252 Vifbort

Vifborts are a species of large, seemingly-immortal worms that live deep underground. Their skin is extremely sensitive and can feel vibr...


#248 Yawelt

Yawelts are small reptiles that live in hot, dry deserts. They are extremely fast and use this speed to escape from predators. When a yaw...


#239 Fyrial

The brilliant fire of a fyrial's eyes can be seen for miles and are the source behind many religious stories originating in ancient deser...


#023 Jibini

The jibini race mutated from field mice in radioactive forests in the east. Over time, both their size and their hunger grew to colossal ...


#197 Glandrac

Glandracs are living piles of desert trash. They are the avatars of the world’s most disgusting souls, who have been reborn as living gar...


#206 Mooshan

Mooshans are large, furry animals with thick, metallic fur. They live in forests and eat mostly plants, but they also like to hunt mice a...


#212 Steevlen

The steevlen is an adorable creature that lives in the forests of the world. They are small, round lion-like creatures (usually about thr...


#316 Domestic Szon

For centuries, the nation-state of Szo have primarily fed their people with domestic szon and, in turn, fed their szon with their recentl...


#225 Astorvega

An astorvega is a slow, lumbering creature covered in a thick, brown fur. It is roughly the same size as a bear and has large, powerful c...


#365 Pin-yoch

Pin-yoch are microscopic organisms that manifest and control hordes of large, humanoid spirits that can leap up to 100 feet in the air. P...


#205 Tramik

Tramik are strange creatures also known as the "pufferfish jellyfish". A tramik has no brains and instead subsists on a diet of ambient r...


#351 Volly

Volly are sturdy, four-legged mammals that live on lush mountaintops, peacefully grazing on grass, flowers, and small mushrooms. Centurie...


#341 Karystel

Karystels are noted for their beauty, grace, and quickness. Their long, lithe bodies move like eels, and they have scales in shades of ir...


#322 Ungarmel

When a creature is near, an ungarmel on the prowl will curl up in a ball and hover above the ground, doing its best to blend in with the ...


#254 Boolic

Boolics are placid snail-like creatures that spend most of their days crawling in circles through the grass, slowly grazing and depositin...


#350 Ddeinn

The ddeinn roams swamps and lava fields looking for fresh meat in an endless pursuit of food. Although ddeinns are strict carnivores, the...


#177 Luneptera

The luneptera are a rarely-seen race of intelligent humanoid beetle that claim to be related to fairies. Not much is known about lunepter...


#315 Tableu

Tableu are artificial, lab-designed mammal-likes that were designed for domestication into dense populace housing. Tableu are known for t...


#299 Galla sprii

The galla sprii's official origin is unknown, but scientists believe it was genetically created centuries ago for use in agriculture. Gal...


#160 Mechacrab

Mechacrabs were ironically given their name after a sarcastic explorer discovered the species in an underground cave on a spiritual voyag...


#273 Jideoray

Jideorays are a parasitic orange slime common in the warmer oceans that attaches itself to creatures to feed directly on their skin. Smal...


#275 Foyud

Foyud are small insects that look like perched butterflies. However, foyuds are actually more closely related to arachnids that wear "win...


#244 Angelsilk

The angelsilk jellyfish floats through the air on a cloth-like fabric made of the protein chains they produce for skin. Angelsilk are als...


#232 Adyx

Adyx are extraterrestrial beings from an unknown galaxy in another dimension. Adyx are most notable for two things: one, the black hole w...


#168 Magmatuna

Magmatuna is a cursed mutation of the freshwater tuna, resulting in a scalding hot internal temperature that is immediately devastating t...


#263 Vindsmen

After the devastating CK-295 meteor impact, what little life survived on planet P-192-856B had to radically evolve in order to survive th...


#171 Horsnau

These radioactive snails descend from the common snail but have mutated to grow branching, interconnected shells around long, eel-like bo...


#189 Stone Gool

Stone gools are incredibly powerful forest creatures with skin made of malleable stone. As they age, they grow additional sets of arms on...


#330 Jibbin

Jibbins are interesting tundra-dwelling creatures best known for their rapid growth and shrinking, with their size determined almost enti...


#141 Wartbug

The large wartbug is native to warmer forests on southern coasts, but has slowly spread throughout the continents over the years. They ar...


#296 Jaxilith

Jaxilives are large shapeshifters that appear as a swarm of blue flies when dormant. When a jaxilith is threatened, it will transform int...


#120 Cuuyn

A cuuyn is a strange, slow-moving creature that can only survive in areas where the air contains a certain, top-secret compound. A cuuyn'...


#053 Electrofly

Electroflies are gaseous clusters of friendly, intelligent sublife that often physically get caught in airwave currents or magnetic field...


#057 Eowiz

At some point, a cat wandered somewhere it shouldn't and was forever changed with an infusion of magical energy. That cat's offspring wer...


#058 Forrest

Forrests are ghostly entities that inhabit jungles and forests. They are largely transclucent and intangible, typically only able to affe...


#049 Emollo

Emollo are a race of intelligent grub-like creatures that evolved arms and legs while living in gigantic, underground cities. They stand ...


#079 Skrayll

Most Skraylls live in the darkest forests, eating shrubs and rodents, although those that live a long time often grow larger and larger. ...


#067 Winter Veln

Winter velns hide from predators by appearing flat or misfigured from a clever use of optical illusion camoflage, but they're actually ty...


#119 Ossl

Ossles are small creatures that are found in warmer tundras. They are about the size of a small cat and resemble a cross between a tortoi...


#083 Weretree

When a werebeing sheds blood into groundwater, in some rare cases a nearby tree may absorb it and transform into a weretree. After around...


#110 Klaxon

Klaxons are large, predatory creatures originally from the planet Xaphon. They are very intelligent and have developed an advanced societ...


#087 Red-eyed Deepsquid

It's a rare occurrence for a red-eyed deepsquid to wash ashore, but certain coasts make a habit of it more often than others. It is uncle...


#130 Sylveph

Sylvephs are loud, obnoxious sheep with fine, silk fur. Farmers despise their constant bleeting and the incredible mess they make in the ...


#061 Dirb

Dirbs are flightless birds that wander fields looking for seeds and other small scraps of food. Their legs are incredibly thin and often ...


#201 Jigbat

Jigbats are large insects that resemble blue bats. They can be found throughout the world's forests and feed on insects, small birds, and...


#082 SLP-001

SLP-001 is the codename for the first viable new species designed at the [redacted] facility in [redacted], Virginia. Copies of SLP-001 h...


#029 Chreish

Chreish are sprawling, shapeless creatures that lack the traditional skin and body of most creatures. Instead, they grow long, entwined l...


#104 Ayri

Ayris are large, green worms that live near shallow waters. They can grow to be up to ten feet long and weigh up to four hundred pounds. ...


#122 Cerdathif

Cerdathifs are a colorful variant of cerdath that typically live near the base of tall mountains. They make nests with collections of han...


#217 Jauxckle

The jauxckle is a small mammal that typically calls colder forests its home, but will often wander into new areas in its post-life undead...


#170 Hevvet

Hevvets are intelligent, house-sized horse-like creatures that frequent the snowy tundras and far north. Hevvets were historically unfrie...


#144 Stemilia

The stemilia are an ancient race of primates known for their extremely long, stilt-like legs. Although they historically cooperated with ...


#007 Merm

Merms live in small groups, typically in the deepest reaches of the western oceans. They seem closely related to a potential aquatic fork...


#018 Blaud

Blauds are tiny, goat-like creatures that can grow up to an inch tall when fully grown. Although they love the rain, it often washes them...


#041 Weiffalo

Weiffalo produce a seasonal wool that is as light as clouds. When Weiffalo have thick, natural coats, they love to ride strong gusts of w...


#190 Mimcree

Originally from the far east, mimcrees have been domesticated and controlled by the government for centuries due to their unique ability ...


#027 Mipurd Ballow

Mipurd Ballows are a small, primitive species of salamander that are found in the deepest cavities of melting ice sheets. They are extrem...