Vlaughd are demonic-looking, bat-winged desert creatures. They have extremely long prehensile tongues and their saliva is acidic enough t...
The sidjif is a large, snakelike creature that is commonly used as a mount for the orcs and goblins of the world. Their massive bodies ca...
Girflets are creatures typically found in the damp undergrowth at the base of forest cliffs. When disturbed, they will race away at high ...
Ayris are large, green worms that live near shallow waters. They can grow to be up to ten feet long and weigh up to four hundred pounds. ...
The mountain widow is a spider that lives in the snowy mountains of the world. It is well adapted to the climate, as it burrows into the ...
The alale is a muscular creature the size of a human that lives in swamps and marshes. They are very territorial and will use their abili...
Dhagarems are a common species of invisible beast that can be found across the world, but most commonly in unsettled areas. They are most...
The ignadians are vaguely amorphous cave toads who live in the deepest underground lakes of the world, especially near volcanos. Because ...
Once upon a time, a snake and a peacock found a way to produce an offspring. That offspring's intimidating colors and wholly evil nature ...
Ambers are the bane of a sailor's life and have driven many towns inland, away from the waters. After emerging from most sandy shorelines...
These hulking creatures once dominated the long-lost oceans. As the heat wave intensified and oceans began to evaporate, the first whalew...
Cerasucs are large, furry mammals that live in deep caves and are often found in groups of 10 or more. They have a black coat and antlers...
Believe it or not, scotties are actually descendants of dinosaurs! Scientists discovered a fourth classification of dinosaur, subterranea...
Dryphs are a rare and elusive type of creature. They are said to be born from the clouds, and are occasionally seen floating above them. ...
M'li are electrically-charged, gelatinous airfish closely related to the ancient jellyfish of oceans. Fleets of m'li are often cared for ...
Arochngiaps are sentient, blind masses of undeveloped meat found deep underground and in caves. They move slowly and grow random limbs, w...
Mouma often live among jellyfish herds, but are more closely related to goldfish. Their bright, red coloring is a deterrent to most aquat...
The ekkast is a vicious creature that moves on eight legs but can slither through loose ground like a snake, and often feasts on large ma...
Vieflhusen are skymantas that frequently dip below the clouds in search of food, fun, and friends. Although their eyesight is terrible, t...
Fustonins are small, blue birds that live near active volcanoes. They are extremely light and can fly at speeds of up to 300 mph. They ha...
It's a rare occurrence for a red-eyed deepsquid to wash ashore, but certain coasts make a habit of it more often than others. It is uncle...
The noble jhinx is an ancient race of sphinx that escaped global disaster and found a new home among the deep jungles in the world, where...
Worgrads are small desert-dwelling creatures that subsist on a diet of insects, light rays, and gusts of desert wind. They are very small...
Hathawallows are slow, bulky land walruses that choose to travel among packs of other species, forming symbiotic relationships wherever t...
When a werebeing sheds blood into groundwater, in some rare cases a nearby tree may absorb it and transform into a weretree. After around...
SLP-001 is the codename for the first viable new species designed at the [redacted] facility in [redacted], Virginia. Copies of SLP-001 h...
Eieliezen are knee-high, bird-like creatures that are known for their remote eye, which they can often be seen holding but will also leav...
Elphins largely inhabit marshy enchanted forests (usually those with a larger body of water within them), although they have also sometim...
Most Skraylls live in the darkest forests, eating shrubs and rodents, although those that live a long time often grow larger and larger. ...
Etorgs are the living skeletal remains of eternal giants. Although most have grown bored of life and live solitary lives atop mountains o...
Frings are a species with the ability to change their size at will. Permanent aspects of their society like their homes and businesses ar...
Although the celestial cataclysm was a great catastrophe, it did introduce us to the Hifinginn and their universes—and consequently pushe...
The first vwamil discovered swam out of a hot springs in a crowded, national park in the winter. The park was immediately shut down for i...
Angrenifs are shapeless blobs of living matter that can be found in the deserts of the world. They are extremely resilient and can surviv...
Pinbin snakes are totally harmless, almost-friendly creatures. They eat grass, lick rocks for fun, and rarely grow more than a foot long....
Mevi is an ancient snake that's survived for hundreds of thousands of years, outliving all other intelligent life on the planet. It has d...
Banjifs spend most of their days rolled up in balls, taking naps in the sunlight. When they're hungry, they use their incredible leg stre...
Cycti are an artificial race created by infusing gorilla DNA in a spliced cactus-bramble plant that evolved sentience and intelligence on...
Seullen are large, humanoid predators that contort their bodies into the optical illusion of a large bird to lure in and pick a fight wit...
These poor souls thought death would be a sweet release from their lcyanthropic curse. Instead, werespirits go into a ghostly rage every ...
Winter velns hide from predators by appearing flat or misfigured from a clever use of optical illusion camoflage, but they're actually ty...
Stonemakers inhabit deserts, fields, and mountains. They feed largely off rock and stone, always migrating to find new flavors and consis...
Aetyl squids swim through sand like their aquatic cousins do through water. They survive off a primarily-meat diet that are captured eith...
Ytrail are large snail-like creatures found in frozen areas. Their shell is an immaculate conductor of heat, which keeps their body warm ...
Buyrnwen are large snails that live for hundreds of years at a time with the ability to osmose their life force into the complicated chem...
Not much is known about the acolyte, including whether it's one creature or many. However, many travelers have reported that they've witn...
Dirbs are flightless birds that wander fields looking for seeds and other small scraps of food. Their legs are incredibly thin and often ...
Brugnuls are microscopic parasites that can be found in most environments. They are commonly found in the bodies of other creatures, but ...
Croixstel are large bull-like creatures that produce an incredibly-thick coat of fur, which simultaneously makes most croixstel completel...
Forrests are ghostly entities that inhabit jungles and forests. They are largely transclucent and intangible, typically only able to affe...
At some point, a cat wandered somewhere it shouldn't and was forever changed with an infusion of magical energy. That cat's offspring wer...
Bertuisks are large airfish that live above the clouds in large schools. Although they largely stay out of sight and move from area to ar...
The charming three-legged kurobo walk isn't the only reason they caught the world's eye at their discovery. It's cute, yes, but the real ...
Uuludes exist in the dimensional plane that we only ever experience through nightmares, and therefore they live in a constant state of ch...