Memorable creatures

Showing creatures voted memorable by users.


#055 Kurobo

The charming three-legged kurobo walk isn't the only reason they caught the world's eye at their discovery. It's cute, yes, but the real ...


#046 Camp Spirit

Camp spirits only appear in cases where a human body has been burned alive and left alone. It's unclear how they form, but scientists hav...


#036 Darunian

Darunians were cursed by the elder gods to live forever in an observer plane, unable to be seen by or communicate with anything else on t...


#040 Menta

Menta tunnel their long, fish-looking tails through the seafloor and bait larger fish into biting it. The menta use a low-level form of m...


#268 Drullar

Drullars are small, terrestrial dragons with a skin made of transparent crystals. Drullars can range in color from a soft white to orange...


#198 Hoomer

Hoomers are the descendants of a group of people who took part in an experiment involving transtemporal teleportation. This experiment re...


#303 Fenngmoth

Fenngmoths are enormous moths with a wingspan of nearly 250 meters. They are strong enough to carry several tons at a time in their claws...


#177 Luneptera

The luneptera are a rarely-seen race of intelligent humanoid beetle that claim to be related to fairies. Not much is known about lunepter...


#169 Havough

The large havough bird towers above trees, hills, and mountains with its imposing stature. Although havoughs typically fly into outer spa...


#164 Finishi

The fabled finishi bird is most notable for its "perfect" camouflage as no living finishi has ever been sighted, even in areas estimated ...


#353 Frosthorn

Frosthorns are majestic creatures with white, shaggy fur and long, spiraling horns. They have sharp, pointed ears and a thick, curved tai...


#223 Flignog

Flignogs are small, furred creatures that can usually be found in trees, grasslands, and caves. They often band together in small tribes,...


#335 Gleetaus

Gleetauses are large beasts with spiked tails and a body covered in soft, fluffy fur. They are very fast and will often chase down small ...


#073 Pinbin Snake

Pinbin snakes are totally harmless, almost-friendly creatures. They eat grass, lick rocks for fun, and rarely grow more than a foot long....


#065 Aetyl Squid

Aetyl squids swim through sand like their aquatic cousins do through water. They survive off a primarily-meat diet that are captured eith...


#062 The Acolyte

Not much is known about the acolyte, including whether it's one creature or many. However, many travelers have reported that they've witn...


#373 Dounreleon

The dounreleon is a large multi-legged animal similar to that of a mule, with a chameleon like ability to change its coloration depending...


#052 D'Geft

D'geft are stone elementals that pass freely through mountains and stone, living solitary lives. Catching a d'geft binds his will to your...


#051 Akaru

Akaru are a small, domesticated breed of dragons originally popularized by farmers in the east. Fully grown, most akarun won't even reach...


#045 Egalomo

Schools of cloud-sized egalomos float high in the sky, always in search of their next meal. To attack their prey, they swoop down from th...


#030 Urryn-ast

Urryn-ast are always on the hunt for humans on the verge of death and will track their prey for days at a time. They consume deceased bod...


#110 Klaxon

Klaxons are large, predatory creatures originally from the planet Xaphon. They are very intelligent and have developed an advanced societ...


#009 Rappariffian

Rappariffians have never had a confirmed sighting, but cultures throughout history have always told stories of some form of them, albeit ...


#004 Avahi

Not much is known about where avahis originated, but they migrate in large packs extremely quickly, typically along water-adjacent routes...


#003 Scrut

Scruts live in the deep north, where they burrow long distances through snow and dirt in search of their next meal. They secrete a natura...


#283 Dukrok

Dukroks are desert-dwelling birds that come in brown, black, and grey variants. They have long, thin legs and use their beaks like pickax...


#244 Angelsilk

The angelsilk jellyfish floats through the air on a cloth-like fabric made of the protein chains they produce for skin. Angelsilk are als...


#239 Fyrial

The brilliant fire of a fyrial's eyes can be seen for miles and are the source behind many religious stories originating in ancient deser...


#225 Astorvega

An astorvega is a slow, lumbering creature covered in a thick, brown fur. It is roughly the same size as a bear and has large, powerful c...


#343 Qualya

The first record of the gargantuan qualya was recorded by scientists on a digging expedition nearly a century ago, where they reported in...


#365 Pin-yoch

Pin-yoch are microscopic organisms that manifest and control hordes of large, humanoid spirits that can leap up to 100 feet in the air. P...


#367 Skalve

The skalve is a creature shrouded in legend and mystery, revered by many as a deity in the desert yet hated by others less favored. Its p...


#369 Akshaya

The ancient akshaya has been around since the beginning of life and is widely believed to be the source of it. Akshaya has a shimmering, ...


#341 Karystel

Karystels are noted for their beauty, grace, and quickness. Their long, lithe bodies move like eels, and they have scales in shades of ir...


#325 Rakiviz

The rakiviz is a large bird about the size of a human. They are covered in a thick layer of white feathers and have two muscular legs, ea...


#363 Wrappit

Meet the wrappit! These mischievous creatures are often found traveling by hitching rides on discarded wrapping paper or nestled inside g...


#270 Whisper

Whisper bulbs (also affectionally known as "screamers" in windier locales) are sentient plant-animal hybrids that eventually emerge from ...


#294 Qing'chi

Legends of the old qing'chi depict them as peaceful, fast, and incredibly intelligent. Although they were physically disproportioned by m...


#354 Loqui

Loqui are a small species of upright, bipedal reptiles that are best known for long-distance marches across flatlands like meadows, deser...


#267 Groxus

The groxus is the largest known insect in the world. They can grow to be 300 feet long and weigh up to 60 tons. Groxuses are nocturnal, f...


#319 Drontinc

Drontincs are tiny dragons which primarily communicate through telekinesis. They often get caught up in the winds and blown across the wo...


#153 Oskurgi

Oskurgis are frog-like creatures that make their homes in the nutrient-rich mud piles found in the swampy forests of the world. Since the...


#129 Axytun

Axytuns are a small species of landfish native to the rolling fields of the east. Although axytuns are naturally pitch black, albinism is...


#128 Sprindull

Sprindulls are extremely large, short-haired bears that live extraordinarily long lives in the deserts with no known predators. Their int...


#081 Eieliez

Eieliezen are knee-high, bird-like creatures that are known for their remote eye, which they can often be seen holding but will also leav...


#093 M'li

M'li are electrically-charged, gelatinous airfish closely related to the ancient jellyfish of oceans. Fleets of m'li are often cared for ...


#063 Buyrnwen

Buyrnwen are large snails that live for hundreds of years at a time with the ability to osmose their life force into the complicated chem...


#053 Electrofly

Electroflies are gaseous clusters of friendly, intelligent sublife that often physically get caught in airwave currents or magnetic field...


#050 Mahaman

Mahaman that are humanoid birds that exist partially outside of time, which manifests visually with the eponymously-named phenomenon maha...


#098 Amber

Ambers are the bane of a sailor's life and have driven many towns inland, away from the waters. After emerging from most sandy shorelines...


#048 Dolli Buea

Dolli Buea are large creatures that inhabit the arboral wetlands. While they are generally large in size, they seem to be able to freely ...


#044 Zweifhlaightte

Zweifhlaughttes are colossal slugs from a time long before humans that have an interesting physiological compartmentalization not present...


#078 Etorg

Etorgs are the living skeletal remains of eternal giants. Although most have grown bored of life and live solitary lives atop mountains o...


#037 Lesser Cagespider

Named after the bony appendages they use to trap live prey with on their back, the lesser cagespider is a terrifying sight to behold. Unl...


#056 Bertuisk

Bertuisks are large airfish that live above the clouds in large schools. Although they largely stay out of sight and move from area to ar...


#070 Cycti

Cycti are an artificial race created by infusing gorilla DNA in a spliced cactus-bramble plant that evolved sentience and intelligence on...


#033 Crefih

The Crefih is an intelligent and tricky creature that attracts prey by reforming a tentacle-like appendage into the shape of a vulnerable...


#011 Ssene

Ssenes are strange, shapeshifting creatures that configure parts of their body to mimic specific features of any creatures they see, rath...


#101 Dhagarem

Dhagarems are a common species of invisible beast that can be found across the world, but most commonly in unsettled areas. They are most...


#186 Jaunwix

The rare jaunwix is a hypermaterial metafeline whose origins are unknown. This creature's body flows like water, babbling through brooks ...


#015 Verdebird

Weirdly, verdebirds glow a bright green color while also only being visible in the direct shadows of light passing through green-tinted g...


#014 Yogido

Yogidos are eastern mammoth-goat hybrids that can grow to extreme sizes. It's not uncommon for a town to collectively adopt a Yogido, whi...


#028 Ala Dimio

Ala dimios (commonly also referred to as just "alas") are descendents of ancient, magical dragons. While they lack the magical prowess of...


#332 Miliorker

Miliorkers are small, flying creatures that live in extremely large groups and reproduce quickly. They are very social and will often sha...


#346 An fwo dur

An fwo dur share the majority of their DNA with an extinct armadillo-like creature that used to terrorize the mountainside. Unlike their ...


#358 Mollang

Mollang are small marsupials often found throughout wetlands and jungles. They live long lives despite the poisonous fungus that commonly...


#324 Wogflorp

The wogflorp is a large, somewhat docile creature that is often mistaken for a drifflefert. It likes to wander around the edge of shallow...


#359 Nadraghb

The nadraghb are extradimensional beings that physically resemble earthly raccoons in appearance, but that's where their similarities to ...


#323 Aboccaria

Aboccarias are shapeshifting, sentient blobs that can be found on water-covered worlds. They are about the size of a small house and eat ...


#281 Mazurath

The mazurath are a class of giant serpentine creatures that have lived in the deep recesses of the ocean for millennia, if not longer. Ma...


#278 Arang'raco

The arang'raco is a large lizard native to the deepest jungles. They are known for their vibrant and colorful scales and the immense shar...


#256 Ifrit Wyrm

The fabled ifrit wyrm is a colossal demon sandworm that makes its home underneath large deserts. Its immense body temperature superheats ...


#255 Squirmpod

Squirmpods are large, plant-like life forms often found in or around the greater rainforest regions. They are about the size of a small h...


#248 Yawelt

Yawelts are small reptiles that live in hot, dry deserts. They are extremely fast and use this speed to escape from predators. When a yaw...


#247 Rhaizel

The rhaizel is a quadrupedal creature with a long, spindly body. It has two sets of arms, one of which is normal in size and the other of...


#243 Banabat

Banabats are small, flying creatures of the night best known for their bright yellow coloring and unique reproduction cycle. Banabats are...


#240 Bargrim

The bargrim is a small, nocturnal creature which is native to the forests of the world. It may look like an ordinary butterfly when it is...


#236 Squeebl

Squeebls were first domesticated at the turn of the last century to be an aquatic pet used to symbolize world adventuring among the upper...


#023 Jibini

The jibini race mutated from field mice in radioactive forests in the east. Over time, both their size and their hunger grew to colossal ...


#212 Steevlen

The steevlen is an adorable creature that lives in the forests of the world. They are small, round lion-like creatures (usually about thr...


#220 Phlanghia

Phlanghia are interdimensional mass collections that collapse into a large rabbit-like shape when bearing our dimension. These ancient cr...


#214 Ithant

Ithants are huge, crab-like creatures that can be found in the forests. The sound of their heavy footsteps is sometimes mistaken for the ...


#218 Sihzzh

A sihzzh is an aquatic creature with a variety of strange habits related to constantly shedding its hardened skin. They usually live in l...


#355 Vilagoth

Vilagoths are an intelligent species of semi-aquatic jellies. They have large eyes and at least four tentacled arms with webbed microfing...


#315 Tableu

Tableu are artificial, lab-designed mammal-likes that were designed for domestication into dense populace housing. Tableu are known for t...


#349 Flayansk

The flayansk originates in the far north, in the freezing highlands of Cotsk. Flayansk vary wildly in size throughout their life, growing...


#360 Jadyx

Jadyx are large, flightless birds whose metallic scales shimmer brightly in the moonlight, giving them a truly mesmerizing appearance. Th...


#351 Volly

Volly are sturdy, four-legged mammals that live on lush mountaintops, peacefully grazing on grass, flowers, and small mushrooms. Centurie...


#356 Ashkmagn

There are ten known ashkmagn, and they all reside within the same volcanic cavern, which they are aggressively territorial about. This en...


#339 Karkat

Karkats are medium-sized creatures that spend most of their time on the ocean floor, though they will occasionally come to the surface fo...


#321 Sathera

Sathera are peaceful, ethereal creatures that feed on the energy of lightning storms. They are mostly invisible in most light spectrums, ...


#293 Qaral

The qaral is a species of small tree rodent that originated from the forests of the planet Kan. They are about the size of a peanut and l...


#174 Sanguaven

The night ravens with luminous, blood-red eyes in the south are colloquially known as sanguavens, although they've had many names through...


#071 Banjif

Banjifs spend most of their days rolled up in balls, taking naps in the sunlight. When they're hungry, they use their incredible leg stre...


#297 Kensix

Kensixes are large, nocturnal reptiles that live in the desert. They are about the size of a car, and have a thick exoshell of chitin whi...


#180 Scordul

Scorduls are large, slow-moving amorphous blobs of flesh and bone that live in the forest. They are nocturnal and will often hide in cave...


#352 Glimmerwisp

Glimmerwisps are small, fairy-like creatures with translucent, glowing wings. They have delicate, elongated features and shimmer in a var...


#362 Fjasdijh

Fjasdijh are slender cat-like creatures who dwell deep in caves and reproduce quickly, sometimes giving birth to litters of up to ten off...


#345 Phang'ul

The feline-like phang'ul are a solitary, nomadic race that roams the lands in search of prey. They are known for their sleek, muscular bu...


#234 Xlidngh

The xlidngh is a small, flying creature that continuously secretes a sweet-smelling pheremone from its third eye, located on its body. Th...


#328 Stregadurc

A stregadurc is a small creature that resembles a goblin. They are often found in suburban areas and feed on trash and other items that h...


#181 Gigganda

Gigganda are large, mountain-dwelling mammals covered in scales and thick patches of fur, which protect them from both freezing winters a...


#168 Magmatuna

Magmatuna is a cursed mutation of the freshwater tuna, resulting in a scalding hot internal temperature that is immediately devastating t...


#127 Joprao

The joprao is a flying, amphibious creature which grows to be about four meters in length. It makes its nest in the long grasses of the s...


#159 Elephant Turtles

Elephant turtles are the aft-named cross-breed between the ancient African elephant and the gorgola turtle. Rather than growing a shell, ...


#157 Spacebunnies

Spacebunnies are planet-sized pests of the universe that burrow into spacetime tunnels, leaving catastrophic black holes behind. Seeing a...


#160 Mechacrab

Mechacrabs were ironically given their name after a sarcastic explorer discovered the species in an underground cave on a spiritual voyag...


#273 Jideoray

Jideorays are a parasitic orange slime common in the warmer oceans that attaches itself to creatures to feed directly on their skin. Smal...


#272 Gwievft

Gwievft are large, aquatic eels that are typically found in underwater mycelium caverns, although they sometimes explore more open waters...


#276 Vuvegge

Vuvegges are small insects common to forests and jungles that don't develop a sense of sight until a late stage of life. During their ear...


#184 Urk

Urks are enormous creatures that look like a cross between a turtle and a dolphin. They have strong, boney shells and powerful fins they ...


#269 Oceanstar

The oceanstar is a common salt-water marine mollusk. Oceanstars got their name from sailors who could just barely make out twinkling ligh...


#143 Gonagan

Gonagans are small, furry creatures that resemble a large, long-haired dog. They live primarily in the northern continents and love to bu...


#371 Tangleweaver

If you find this strange egg nestled in leaves in the darkest part of the forest, do not touch it. Run as far and as fast as you can. Tho...


#326 Kawa-tri

Kawa-tri are bulbous, tree-like creatures that live in forests. They thrive in the shade of other trees and grow much faster when they ar...


#295 Digo gaur

Digo gaur are a domesticated breed of zainko whose closest genetic common ancestor is the pig. Digo gaur were first discovered at the Las...


#138 Glorbon

Commonly mistaken as large, black boulders, glorbons rarely ever move except to subtly shape small cavities at the base of their bulbous ...


#132 Aeldatyr

Aeldatyr scales are golden and shiny, and imbued with powerful magic that allows them to create lightning. They grow to be very large, ro...


#342 Jungle Wraith

The jungle wraith is a rare and elusive creature that is rarely seen by humans. It has a slender and ghostly appearance, with translucent...


#296 Jaxilith

Jaxilives are large shapeshifters that appear as a swarm of blue flies when dormant. When a jaxilith is threatened, it will transform int...


#119 Ossl

Ossles are small creatures that are found in warmer tundras. They are about the size of a small cat and resemble a cross between a tortoi...


#118 Herenella

Herenellas are seahorse-like creatures whose bodies form non-euclidean shapes. They feed on ambient temperature differences deep in the o...


#105 Girflet

Girflets are creatures typically found in the damp undergrowth at the base of forest cliffs. When disturbed, they will race away at high ...


#103 Mountain Widow

The mountain widow is a spider that lives in the snowy mountains of the world. It is well adapted to the climate, as it burrows into the ...


#082 SLP-001

SLP-001 is the codename for the first viable new species designed at the [redacted] facility in [redacted], Virginia. Copies of SLP-001 h...


#005 Thabu

Thabus are hulking creatures of ancient history that have survived over time by melding with mountains and hibernating. They awake every ...


#068 Werespirit

These poor souls thought death would be a sweet release from their lcyanthropic curse. Instead, werespirits go into a ghostly rage every ...


#072 Mevi

Mevi is an ancient snake that's survived for hundreds of thousands of years, outliving all other intelligent life on the planet. It has d...


#069 Seullen

Seullen are large, humanoid predators that contort their bodies into the optical illusion of a large bird to lure in and pick a fight wit...


#054 Uulu'd

Uuludes exist in the dimensional plane that we only ever experience through nightmares, and therefore they live in a constant state of ch...


#066 Stonemaker

Stonemakers inhabit deserts, fields, and mountains. They feed largely off rock and stone, always migrating to find new flavors and consis...


#057 Eowiz

At some point, a cat wandered somewhere it shouldn't and was forever changed with an infusion of magical energy. That cat's offspring wer...


#271 Frost Skrayll

Frost skrayll genetically diverged from the common skrayll during the Great Frosting, where their highly-malleable bodies adapted to chan...


#043 Volcrano

Every volcano has at least one volcrano maintaining it. They do their best to keep out of sight but volcranos are bulky and slow. Volcano...


#042 Heggeh

After spending a millennium with the other few, remaining heggehs trapped in a cavern, new generations of heggeh have completely lost the...


#075 Vwamil

The first vwamil discovered swam out of a hot springs in a crowded, national park in the winter. The park was immediately shut down for i...


#041 Weiffalo

Weiffalo produce a seasonal wool that is as light as clouds. When Weiffalo have thick, natural coats, they love to ride strong gusts of w...


#034 Mrohl

Mrohls live in enchanted forests where they eat magic berries and hallucinogenic plants. As such, their reactions to adventurers are as p...


#032 Frestnoch

Frestnoches evolved a thick fur across their abdomen to keep them warm in the harsh northern climates and have a varying amount of large,...


#026 Oroch

Orochs are more closely related to an octopus or squid than any known spider species, yet are commonly mistaken for spiders. Luckily, the...


#114 Rolglu

Rolglu are large, bristly bears that never stop migrating. They have six legs, detachable paws, and stand about eight feet tall. They are...


#123 Fenglokam

Fenglokam are stout snake-like creatures with strong limbs, broad feet and a thick tail. They are very hardy animals that can live in vir...


#109 Swox Majora

The swox majora is an exotic variant of the common swox moth that grows several magnitudes larger than their minora cousins. Swox majora ...


#022 Xianc'onent

Since the beginning of storytelling, sailors have told stories of horrible terrors hiding at the bottom of the oceans. These xianc'onents...


#018 Blaud

Blauds are tiny, goat-like creatures that can grow up to an inch tall when fully grown. Although they love the rain, it often washes them...


#019 Braggen

Braggens are large, blue birds that are known for their ability to fly extremely fast. They are very difficult to catch and can be found ...


#089 Vieflhuse

Vieflhusen are skymantas that frequently dip below the clouds in search of food, fun, and friends. Although their eyesight is terrible, t...


#013 Emerid

Emerids are social, friendly birds that travel long distances through deserts, trying to make friends with lonely travelers and larger an...


#125 Holivax

The fabled holivax is a race of ancient colorsapping birds believed to now be extinct, but are widely referred to as exceedingly rare in ...


#113 Vune Ballow

Small vune ballow dragons are commonly found throughout the world. They are covered in beautifully prismatic scales and are able to fly s...


#012 Val'anur

The val'anur is a monstrous beast of the tundra. What it lacks in speed it makes up for in determination and force. Val'anurs never sleep...


#006 Dune Beetle

Dune beetles are the speedsters of the desert. You wouldn't expect it given their colossal size, but these severely-overgrown bugs can re...


#002 Quixole

This highly-intelligent bug establishes and oversees mutli-special insect colonies using a pheromone that encourages teamwork. Large sale...


#007 Merm

Merms live in small groups, typically in the deepest reaches of the western oceans. They seem closely related to a potential aquatic fork...